Phrases and Curses

There is more to the feel of a language than just a slang dictionary. There's turns of phrase which are specific to the languauge and culture that round it out.

One can also learn a lot about a culture in how they bless and curse each other.


  • "Five hells' worth of trouble" — an unreasonable amount of trouble
  • "by blood and fire" — by my life and my magic (a wizard's oath)
  • "In for a cent, in for a mark"
  • "Holy Daughter of God" — Declaration of wonder/surprise/shock. Refers to Merai. — Rafak, in the Case of the Golden Egg
  • "Tree and star" — Elven expression, used as an intensifier or an expression of awe. It is a reference to the Amanalda (Blessed Tree), which is the sacred home of the Elvish people, and the North Star, around which all the other stars rotate. Both represent the divine order and purpose within the universe, the prominent focus around which all other things revolve.


  • "Keep it on the bright side" — Stay safe, don't go wandering to Street side
  • "Cuialye lothan" — Live in the light (Lothanasi benediction)


Common References

The majority of unique curses shown so far in Metamor City stories revolves around the Hells, specifically the Ninth Hell. This level of the Hells was the deepest, where the most evil souls went and were under the rule of the Prince of the Daedra, Ba'al.

Also common are references to Saint Merai, the Prophet of Eli in Meraist theology.

Even members of religions that never worshipped the Aedra and Daedra as gods before the Great Fall will use these types of phrases in modern day-to-day speech.

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