
Greyout is a top-secret project developed by the Vampire Syndicate to mask their operatives from Kyia's presence. It is still in prototype stage at the time of Things Unseen, when Malcolm orders its deployment by an infiltration team pursuing Lady Sephora hin'Lassos.

The Greyout system is carried in a light, flexible black bodysuit with a tight-fitting hood. Agents wearing Greyout can wear it under other clothing and hide the hood under a wig.

Greyout has both a magical and a technological component, in order to blunt a wide variety of Kyia's senses. The magical component involves:

  • Death Mana: Screens the life-signature of the agent and cancels it out.
  • Water Mana: Subtly and slowly infiltrates Kyia's perceptions, making use of the Trickery aspect of water magic.
  • Air Mana: Weaves together the Death and Water mana into a screen that moves easily with the agent and permeates the surrounding area in a diffuse "cloud" of magic.

The result is the magical equivalent of a grey mist floating gradually into town, dampening your perceptions at the periphery without you ever really noticing that it is happening.

The three types of mana are stored in small, cylindrical mana batteries that are shielded from outside detection. These mana batteries are mounted at the small of the back. The enchantment is carried by a weave of mithril threads that sits in an inner layer of the bodysuit, sandwiched between the inner and outer layers of fabric.

The technological component of Greyout uses a wire mesh in the agent's bodysuit as a Faraday cage to shield them from interacting with ambient electromagnetic fields. The fabric of the bodysuit is made of a synthetic shortwave-absorbent material that prevents the reflection of shortwave radiation off of their bodies.

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