Metamor City

Michael shrugged uneasily. "All right, I guess. Long, actually." He smiled, and for the first time today it felt genuine. "Though the view as we made our way into the city was worth it."

"She's a hell of a town, isn't she?" the captain agreed. He grinned again, but this time Michael was prepared for it and the sight didn't shock him as much. "No place like it on Earth."

"No, sir. Between the Citadel and all those floating skyways, it's just … well, beautiful."

The wolverine chuckled. "It looks that way from up above, that's for sure. Stick around here, though, and you'll see the other side of things, I guarantee you. Metamor may look pretty on top, but she's got a dark and dirty underbelly just like any other city in the world. That's why we're here."
Michael Perelli and Captain Joseph G. Montgomery in Welcome to the City


"She's really something, isn't she?" Kate said, joining Michael in admiring the view. "The only head of state you can see from orbit."

Michael turned to look at her. "Is that really true?" he asked. "About Majestrix Kyia being the Citadel, I mean."

Kate shrugged. "That's what they say. She looks human enough on TV, but she's been around for about as long as the Earth itself, so there's obviously something special about her. And she can certainly make the Citadel do whatever she wants. That–" she nodded toward the Citadel "—used to be a mountain ridge with a little castle on top, according to the history books. Over time, though, the Citadel grew and changed until all of that was swallowed up."

Welcome to the City

Current Statistics


Places within the City

Author's Notes

Sources: Welcome to the City

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