

Height Weight Body Type Skin Tone Eyes Distinguishing Physical Traits
X X X X snake eyes snake-like characteristics


Typical Behaviors


The nagas are a private, insular people, even moreso than the Elves. They seldom travel outside their homeland of Rukilia, and many details of their society and culture are completely unknown to outsiders. They comprise the three ruling castes of Rukilia — priests, warriors, and merchants. They have many humans serving beneath them, but these humans are rarely given the opportunity to speak to foreigners about their lives or the lives of their masters.


They are followers of Rukil, the Lord of Stone (a son of Artela by Dokorath. He first discovered the Nagas in this region around -3000 CR, when they were a primitive band of a few hundred refugees from the Dreamlands who had become stranded on Earth. The demigod adopted them as his own, teaching them magic and writing and other forms of learning, and setting himself up at the center of their newly-minted religious system.

Naga Today

Famous members of the race

Author's Notes

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