Here let us look upon the Immortals… or, more truthfully, the quasi-immortals.
For, in fact, most of them are not truly immortal at all. While disease, famine, and simple maladies of simple daily existence cannot strike them down, there are other events that can. Falling into a volcano would do the trick, at least for most of them. For the members of the fallen pantheon, apathy would cause them to fade away almost so much as to seem 'dead', though they would still exist in some fashion. But by far the most dangerous thing that most Immortals have to face are those who desire their power and have enough ability to actually seek them out and try to take it … by killing them and assuming their mantle of abilities, followers, etc.
What makes an Immortal?
Immortal is a generic term for any powerful sentient being who is not capable of dying by natural causes; this may be an avatar, a member of the fallen pantheon, a vampire lord, or any of various other creatures. While all vampires, celestials and fiends are "immortal" in the sense of being unaging and unable to die of natural causes, this term is generally reserved for the small number of very powerful beings whose actions shape the overall course and flow of history. The term is usually capitalized when used in this sense.
Types of Immortals
Kyia: Kyia is in a category of her own, and is arguably the only "true" immortal on this list. The question of whether there is anything that could kill Kyia has never been definitively answered; it probably depends on whether her essence is bound to the citadel itself, and depends on its existence in order to live, or if she is bound to the Nexus of Metamor and the Citadel is merely a physical extension of her being into the mortal world.
Aedra and Daedra Lords: These are the fallen deities of the pantheon, who are forced to walk the earth in bodily form. They are sometimes referred to as avatars.
Avatars: This term can refer to the bodily form of a deity, or to a former mortal who has been invested with supernatural powers and immortality by another being (most often one of the fallen deities, or Kyia). Avatars are described in more detail in the entry of that name.
Ancient Dragons: Some dragons have been around for a very, very long time. The older a dragon becomes, the more powerful its connection to the arcane elements of creation. Any dragon that is more than 1,000 years old would fall into this category.
Ancient Vampires: Vampires who are strong enough of mind and will to survive for 1,000 years or more forge a connection to the death-aspected mana of the world that is comparable to the ancient dragons' connection to the elemental aspects. These creatures are almost impossible to kill; they lack most of the normal vampire weaknesses, or can find ways to circumvent them. Each one, however, has at least one weakness that cannot be eliminated; this may not be the same weakness for each vampire.