Samekkh (sə-MÉKH)

Full Name: Samekkh
Species: Immortal (Aedra)
Allegiance: Himself, allied to Kyia
Religion: Agnostic
Social Status: Unknown

Age: Unknown
Eyes: Variable
Hair: Variable
Height: Variable

Physical Notes: Appears as a wise-looking man, often somewhat aged, with gray-white hair and a beard (well kept and orderly looking hair). He favors wearing silvery white, and has piercing blue eyes, which occasionally flash and glitter with emotion.

Behavioral Notes: Samekkh is a champion of logic, reason and intellect, and tends to be a bit crotchety. He has little use for concepts like love and passion, believing that mortals should let their minds govern their lives and relationships rather than emotions.

Supernatural Abilities: Immortal traits; aedric traits; magical prowess equivalent to high master wizard, with a specialization in ?. He gives off a silver-blue light when he uses his powers, unless he deliberately chooses to mask it.


  • Lord of Wisdom
  • Lord of Light
  • Master of Knowledge
  • High Lord of Pyralis


Samekkh is Kammoloth's half-brother, and with Dokorath formed the triumvirate that lead the aedra against the Daedra Lords and their descendants.

He drew power from ceremonies which are believed to induce visions. Also, scientific style learning may also give him power.

Holy Symbol

A stylized serpent's eye.

Symbolic Creature


Holy Day

Samek'kema August 2nd. The Lothanasi observed this day by lighting a sacred fire in the temple and burning a special mixture of herbs and flowers that is believed to open the mind to receive visions from Samekkh. Merai received such a vision during the Samek'kema of 707 CR.

Current Activities

Samekkh is the High Lord of Pyralis protectorate within the Empire. His realm encompasses only the original city-state of Pyralis and a small region of its surrounding lands, not the entire area that was once controlled by the Pyralian Confederation. After the Great Fall he spent many years in the company of his current Oracle, Ophelia; he eventually developed a deep bond with her that most would call love, and apotheosized her to be his immortal consort. He came to Pyralis when the Confederation was self-destructing, around 1200 CR. The suggestions he made for reforming the government proved to be successful, and he was then elevated to High Lord by public acclamation. He brought Pyralis into the Empire by treaty in 1693.

Known Allies

Known Enemies

  • none stated to date


pantheon MK Wiki Entry- Samekkh, MK Wiki Entry- Lothanasi

Author's Notes

d20 Notes

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Divine Portfolio: Wisdom, Light
Domains: Knowledge, Law, Magic, Oracle
Weapon of the Deity: Spell-Storing Quarterstaff

Voice Actor

none set

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