
Full Name: Rukil
Species: Immortal (Celestial)
Allegiance: Rukilia
Religion: unknown
Social Status: 5 (vast personal and corporate wealth; draws as needed)

Age: Unknown
Eyes: unknown
Hair: unknown
Height: unknown

Physical Notes: unknown

Behavioral Notes: to be added

Supernatural Abilities: Immortal traits; celestial traits; magical prowess equivalent to high ?, with a specialization in ?.


The southeastern peninsula of Galendor is home to Rukilia, a populous state that is largely inhabited and governed by followers of Rukil, the so-called Lord of Stone. Rukil is Artela's son, by Dokorath, and a prince of Heaven; he first discovered the Nagas in this region around -3000 CR, when they were a primitive band of a few hundred refugees from the Dreamlands who had become stranded on Earth. The demigod adopted them as his own, teaching them magic and writing and other forms of learning, and setting himself up at the center of their newly-minted religious system.

Holy Symbol

a snake

Symbolic Creatures


Holy Day

Unknown- Rukilia probably has a whole set of them in

Current Activities

Rukil remains the Head of State for Rukilia, but for the most part he is content to live in luxury and allow his people to govern their own affairs, stepping into politics only when he fears that the nation is headed in a particularly unhealthy direction.

Known Allies

  • none stated to date

Known Enemies

  • none stated to date

Story Appearances

none in the MK2K universe to date



Author's Notes

d20 Notes

Divine Portfolio:
Weapon of the Deity:

Voice Actor

none set

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