Full Name: Name and Aliases
Species: Unknown
Allegiance: Unknown
Religion: Unknown
Social Status: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Eyes: red
Hair: red
Height: varies (see Abilities)
Physical Notes: Red and somewhat translucent - "…a life-sized sculpture of a young woman, nude, made out of gelatin." Solid matter that Jilly's absorbed can be viewed within her body until it is processed.
Behavioral Notes: text
Supernatural Abilities: Jilly is an un-classified type of sentient creature, who gains sustenance through the absorption of essence and is affected by it. She is able to gain physical sustenance from calories in different forms, but without absorbing essence on a regular basis she suffers mentally.
When absorbing something with essence, she also absorbs some memories and characteristics of the being that provided the essence. For example, milk from a cow gives her more bovine characteristics and also changes her personality and mentality more towards that of a cow. She howls softly after identifying a dog's blood but can identify what had happened to the poor dog and get a description of who had done it to him.
She exhibits a low-level telepathic ability, but it is uncertain of how much of it comes from her ability to absorb essence, or because of her association and feeding by the psi Pamela Nightshade. This allows them to have a physical relationship as well as a deeply emotional one.
Her physical body is liquid based. When well fed she can change how solid her state and change shape. She most often takes on the appearance of a female human, but her color is a uniform red- as if she were made from gelatin. If she is low on essence/calories, she loses the ability to maintain shape. She is able to reform and grow back to her original size if her body is damaged as long as she is provided with calories and essence quickly enough, even after being close to death.
Her absorption abilities also make it possible for her to take chemical compounds inside her to analyze and change. She doesn't appear to get drunk from alcohol. She can absorb materials, take nourishment from what can provide nourishment, and extrude the rest (this is shown by her bathroom cleaning abilities).
Jilly can also sense magic use- she senses the gathering and release of "potentials."
Personality and Appearance
Her origin is unknown, but Coriandus Jolee may have more information. He did mind-wipe the creature (who later Jilly), so she does not know where she came from or how. Jolee states that he may as well be her father, "Blood, mandrake, a thousand different mineral salts, the correct runes and incantations… one might say I'm her father."
Making a construct is impossible with current magical technology (see Automaton Magic, so it is uncertain how she was created/formed/developed/called from another realm. Jolee has not given any further information about how Jilly came to be.
Jilly's first infusion of essence and sense of memory came from the blood of a murdered Street-level prostitute, Hillary. Her pimp, Rackham, had gotten the jar that held Jilly from another girl (she had stolen it from a client that refused to pay). Hillary had broken the jar by accident and he killed her. The fact that Jilly's first human essence, that she knows of, was from a human female may explain Jilly's self identity as a female humanoid.
Jilly was found, almost dead, by Max Pointer. He took Jilly in, kept her in a bathtub, and fed her alcohol and his own essence. She kept the bathroom clean, and as her mental state formed she decided to do a good thing for him by cleaning the rest of the apartment- specifically the kitchen. She didn't know what he kept in the bottles in the fridge, but it was obviously valuable because Max created fire (Pamela's speculation is that it was a Street mage, probably a sorcerer) and ended up burning down the apartment while she hid in that fridge. He died in the fire.
It is at this point when Jilly was found by Pamela Nightshade, a forensic psychometrist for the MCPD, and Medical Examiner Dr. Morgan Drauling. Pamela takes Jilly in and uses her moderate egoist abilities to generate breast milk to feed the creature (after trying cow milk, see Abilities below).
Jilly falls in love with Pamela, who is conflicted over the care-provider role that she had taken and didn't want to take advantage of Jilly sexually- like other people in Jilly's past had. After an argument with Pamela, Jilly leaves the apartment to discover her past.
Pamela finds Jilly, and together they track down some leads that cause them to discover the body of Rackham, while trying to avoid the vampires that try to capture Jilly. Rackham was killed by someone looking for Jilly, and looking for his client list to find out who may have had her before Rackham. When Jilly and Pamela discover his death, they are lead to Jolee.
After being rescued from Jolee by Morgan, the three women are caught up in a battle over Jilly between the vampires and the Collective. Fisher, one of the vampires, almost kills Jilly by ripping her body apart with bullets, but Pamela is able to save her by providing essence.
Current Activities
After Jolee's arrest and the fight after it (when the vampires tried to abduct Jilly), Jilly and Pamela end up moving together into a secure facility (probably sponsored by the MCPD) and establishing a relationship. Jilly uses her abilities to identify samples and obtain what memories she can from them for the MCPD.
Organizational Membership
In a secure location with Pamela
Known Allies
- Morgan Drauling
- Pamela Nightshade- Jilly's roomate and lover.
Known Enemies
- Coriandus Jolee- Jolee claims to have created Jilly and wants her back. However, he is in MCPD custody.
- Fisher- the vampire is under orders to capture Jilly.
Story Appearances
Author's Notes
Created by Nobilis Reed
Voice Actor
Author Notes
It is likely that Jilly is the result of an experiment with biomancy (life magic), an attempt to create an artificial life form. The original automaton mages were primarily enchanters who did a bit of necromancy to bind the souls of animals or people to their constructs; this seems to be a completely different approach to the same problem.
The base organism that Jilly was formed from was probably some kind of slime mold, given her gelatinous consistency and her ability to digest virtually any sort of organic material. Her acquisition of the prostitute's soul, or part of it, seems to have been completely accidental, a side effect of whatever process Jolee used in creating/shaping her. —Chris