Daniel / Danni Sharabi

Full Name: Danni/Daniel Sharabi
Species: Human , Cursed: Androgyne (Psi)
Allegiance: Psi Collective
Religion: Meraist (psi-only chapter) to be confirmed
Social Status: to be confirmed

Age: 27 as of 06/13/1999
Eyes: blue
Hair: black
Height: about 5'10"

Physical Notes: Danni, even nine months pregnant, as she is at the time of Troubled Minds, is still extraordinarily beautiful. A mixture of Irombian, Kitchlander and Sonngefilder, she has glossy black hair, mocha skin, and blue eyes that give her an exotic look. She is tall — taller than Brian, at 5'10" — and while her belly is swollen huge with her late-term child, the rest of her body is still fit and attractive.

Daniel Sharabi is very handsome, and is very athletic. He able to keep up fighting against vampires1, and some fae2.

Behavioral Notes: Danni is perhaps the "girliest" of the women in the cell, very conscious of her beauty and not afraid to show it off. This is partly due to the natural tendencies of the androgyne variant of the Curse, and partly due to the memory reconstruction that the Hive's psi-therapists performed on her prior to her joining the breeding cell. Because Danni was strongly bifurcated from Daniel but had only a few weeks' worth of memories that were her own, the therapists constructed an alternate past for her, which she lived out through a series of treatments in virtual reality. She knows that this "second childhood" isn't real, but the events she experienced through the process helped her to develop her own identity, which allows her psyche to stand up alongside Daniel's.

Most of the time, Danni's overriding personality trait is that of abundant joy. All her life she wanted to be part of a breeding cell; now, at last, she has a home where she is loved, accepted, and cherished, and where she can contribute to bringing life into the world and raising her family's children. She has an optimistic, "always look on the bright side" sort of outlook, and is a relentless cheerleader and encourager of the other cell members. Her undying hope for the future, and her faith that things will be even better tomorrow than they are today, are essential ingredients in the psychological makeup of the breeding cell. Through their gestalts, Danni shares that optimism with the rest of her cell-mates, and it helps drive all of them to excel and reach greater heights.

Daniel's hobbies include skyball.

Danni's hobbies include… unkown.

Supernatural Abilities: Weak powers in telepathy (Level 2) and healing (Level 4). Shapeshifting, per the androgyne variant of the Curse


A male psi with only weak powers in telepathy (Level 2) and healing (Level 4), Daniel Sharabi was assigned to a bachelor cell upon leaving the crèche. During the adventures of Making the Cut, Daniel took the androgyne variant of the Curse. What no one expected, though, was that Daniel and Danni would end up diverging as much as they did; though Sharabi is a first-generation teegee, Daniel and Danni have strongly bifurcated personalities. (This is due to interactions with Jared Tamlin that are seen in the novel but not fully understood at the time.) Danni spends more time at the surface than Daniel these days, but they're both still in there, and Daniel is not too shy to share his opinions when he deems it necessary.

Danni retains the shape shifting abilities common to all androgynes, but they are linked to the split in her psyche; when Daniel takes control, their body becomes more masculine. Either one of them can assume an androgynous form or a truly hermaphroditic form, though the latter takes some concentration. Since they've spent most of their time these last few years either being pregnant or nursing, though, Danni has stayed in her female form. Daniel is looking forward to getting some time as himself after Thomas is weaned; during the last few years he has only been able to really be "himself" in the VR domains of the WorldNet.

Westfall Academy and University

Daniel was a student/member of the Westfall Academy, one of the Psi Collective's crèches.

Among Daniel's classmates were Brian Sommers, Del Matthews, Fiona hin'Conaill, Rebecca Brower, Daniel Sharabi, Sasha King, Trace Umbara, and Kevin Darby.

During this time, Victor hin’Kavos was the Academy's kano of the Psi Martial Arts form and Daniel was an excellent student.

Daniel was a forward and the captain of the school's skyball team their senior year. Also on the team were Del, Fiona, Trace, and Kevin. The year they graduated the team took the city's skyball championship.

Daniel and Rebecca were lovers and had plans to start a breeding cell together. However during their final testing that Daniel was rated too low in his psionic abilities to be a father. During this testing, Daniel's older half-sister Stacy Sharabi was hurt to push Daniel's desire to heal her.

This was a heavy blow; he was physically strong and attractive, and had been popular in the creche, but the local hive determined that his psychic abilities were too weak to justify putting him in a breeding cell when there were so many other, more qualified candidates who could sire children for the Collective.

The Hive allowed Daniel to use his years in University to develop his powers and re-test again for a spot in a breeding cell.

Dissatisfaction, Victor, and the Matthias Skyport raid

Daniel's time in University did not increase his power level enough to enable him to be part of a breeding cell, so he was assigned to a bachelor cell. He knew why it was important for Rebecca to be in a breeding cell. He was welcomed in the bachelor cell (one of his old Westfall Academy classmates, Kevin Darby was in the same cell) and Daniel was provided for like any member of the Collective, but he was largely miserable there.

Victor found him during this time of his life, and offered him a way out- a mission to make enough money that Daniel could pay back the Collective and leave the Collective with Rebecca.

It went horribly wrong.

Since both teams going after the package at the Matthias Skyport were using illusion charms, it wasn't until afterwards that he found out the two people he witnessed Victor kill were Del and Trace. And what was worse, Victor had killed them after Daniel had bargained with them for time to help the injured Victor.

After Del's death, his family had a problem. The Collective, despite having hired Del as part of this mission, would not provide any assistance to the family. They would provide Hive benefits if his widow joined the Collective, covering child care, health care, and the cost of the funeral. However, this would violate her religion’s teachings, since she would be required to join a breeding cell. If she didn't join, she and her family would receive nothing.

Daniel, feeling guilty over Del's death and outraged at the Collective's treatment of Del's family, gives Joesphine the all of the money he earned on the raid, lying and telling her that it was a collection from Del's friends. He did this knowing that he was giving up his shot to leave the Collective with Rebecca.

Taking the Curse

During the planning part of his side of Matthias Skyport raid, Daniel had met the androgyne Evan / Eva Selindi. It was Eva who first suggested that Daniel might take on the curse, pointing out that it would make him more valuable to the Hive since as a female dominant form he would be able to bear children.

Eva introduced Daniel to Artax and the psi purchased a Pseudo-Curse to try out if he liked being an Androgyne. Eva also came up with the name Danni. After skirting disaster with the mundane Eva while dancing at a club, Danni met Jared.

Taking the curse was the hardest decision he ever made - to give up his identity for the sake of belonging to the Hive as a valued member (and not marginalized for his low power levels), for a chance to have children, and even a chance to be with Rebecca as a co-wife - but it turned out to be the right choice in the end.


But during the time that Daniel/Danni was taking on the curse, the unconscious use Jared’s meta-psi abilities does two things. First, Jared was interested in being with Danni, and not Daniel. So the original Daniel’s soul was split in two, becoming a strongly bifurcated soul despite the fact that they are a first generation androgyne. Second, desperate for a passionate consuming love, Jared causes Danni to be completely in love with him, to the point where she suppresses Daniel, and turns away Rebecca and the rest of Daniel’s friends. This results in Daniel's soul being buried under the weight of Danni and Jared's combined will.

It takes Rebecca and Sasha King seeking the help of Artax and obtaining a ritual spell from the wizard (combined with their psionic abilities) to help Daniel's soul gain enough force to take over control again.

Daniel manages to resurface and take back the body just after Jared proposes to Danni.

Daniel leaves a note for the sleeping Jared with the engagement ring, then appears at the Sommers’ residence. After a discussion with the breeding cell, he goes with Rebecca and Sasha to Artax’s shop. They lock Daniel into a secret shielded room to see if they can break Jared’s abilities, which Artax calls “soul shaping.”

Danni is furious at first, but it finally gets through to her that something was off in just how deeply she fell in love with Jared, particularly once she and Rebecca talk things through and she gets a chance to more objectively view the situation. Danni also is reassured that Rebecca doesn't just love Daniel (or wants to suppress Danni), but that Rebecca is willing to accept and love both sides of the androgyne.

Sasha finds a way to create a psychic virtual space where Danni and Daniel can interact with each other. This helps Danni and Daniel come to terms with each other.

Later, Danni and Daniel go through a process of memory re-construction with the Hive's psychiatrists to help Danni's soul develop a personality of her own (which isn't influenced by Jared- see below), to help her deal with the fact that she has a mature body and soul, but no experience to handle it (which would not have been a problem had she not had the strongly bifurcated soul, or had taken the curse early enough to have both male and female experiences). There is some trouble in this process when memories of Trace and Dell are used in the re-construction scenarios.

Abbey, Miriam Bakhtavar, and Taking out Victor

During the process of working out the influence of Jared and Danni’s lack of experience, Danni transfers to a position in Eastside Hospital, where Sasha works, so Jared can’t find (and influence her) at work.

A young girl, pregnant and scared of the father of her child, comes into the hospital asking for Daniel. Danni comes to the girl and finds that it is Abbey. Danni arranges for the girl to be admitted under a code name for possible domestic violence.

Miriam Bakhtavar then lures Brian and Fiona into a meeting, stating that she has found out where Abbey was and needs them to meet her and they will use Abbey to trap Victor, and Daniel goes along (leaving Sasha at the hospital, not knowing that the girl they admitted is Abbey). While waiting to ambush Victor, Fiona realizes that Miriam is a vampire, and the three psis attack the Elder. Daniel, using his experience as a skyball player, is the one who ends up staking Miriam.

Meanwhile, Victor assaults Eastside hospital and Sasha's body is killed while she was in gestalt with Abbey. During the fight, Sasha learns about Victor's cybernetic implant and passes the information onto Brian before melding in with Abbey's soul. Abbey's unborn child is killed by Victor as well, and Abbey's body is ravaged to the point where she will not be able to have children unless there is divine intervention from the former goddess Akkala.

Later, with the help of Evan and Eva, Brian and Daniel lure Victor into a parking garage. Brian is able to take control of Victor's implant with his electrokinesis and immobilize the madman while Daniel shoots and kills him.

Post Making the Cut

Daniel/Danni joins the Sommers breeding cell.


As of July 1999 (the timeframe of Troubled Minds), Danni has two children, in addition to the one about to be born: Eva, who is turning 3 in October 1999, and Samuel/Samantha, who is 1-1/2 years old. Danni made the decision to have the androgyne variant of the Curse bestowed on Samuel almost immediately after birth; it will be a while before s/he is old enough for them to know what sort of powers s/he has, but she wants to make very certain that s/he has a place in the Collective no matter what his/her powers might be. When her third child is born in October — a son she names Thomas, in honor of Thomas X — Danni will have him Cursed with the androgyne variant, as well. (The cell would not normally have taken on a ninth child at once, but Danni pleaded with the rest of the cell members to let her have a third child since Fiona and Rebecca both got to have three. One extra child isn't that much more trouble, they're bringing in more than enough money to allow the expense, and she would rather have an extra child now, while she's still young, than wait until their second breeding cycle.)

A Brief Job as a Model

After some of the children had been born, and while able to breastfeed, Danni/Daniel was approached by Eva/Evan to help out a friend. A fashion designer specializing in enchanted clothing that the runner knew, Yulia Sternikova, had been having bad luck with her models and Danni/Daniel would be easily able to pick up a night's work as a replacement, and pick up a data stick that Evan needed (the dead drop was a statue that had been sold to the space holding the fashion show). Getting the data stick was easy; dealing with the domovoi that Yulia had angered was a little more difficult, and Daniel ended up in hand-to-hand combat with the fae while Yulia and the Lightbringer Agent Clyde Jessup set up a circle to bind the creature and begin negotiations.

It is from that data stick that ey and Rebecca learn that Evan has been having an affair with Lady Barndhart.

Modus Operandi

to be completed

Known Allies

Beyond the Sommers breeding cell and the Psi Collective allies include:

  • Callie Linder- Daniel met the chaotic runner as the part of the opposition on the Skyport raid, but they've reached an understanding of "no hard feelings," particularly after Callie took the job to raid the vampires in return.
  • Clyde Jessup- From the moment that Danni and Clyde met, it seemed like they had been siblings their entire lives. Along with the bickering, shoving, and teasing that Danni and Daniel can only do within virtual psychic space.
  • Evan/Eva Selindi- the androgyne that mentored Daniel through the process of taking on the Curse and helped everyone to figure out that Daniel's soul had split, is also the source of some trouble for em. Sometimes profitable trouble, but trouble nonetheless.
  • Stacy Sharabi- it's not certain what relationship Danni/Daniel currently has with er half-sister, especially since Stacy is a very loyal member of the Collective and the Sommers cell is disconnected from the majority of the Collective.

the Sommers Cell

Brian Sommers
Fiona hin'Conaill
Rebecca Brower
Abbey Preston
Sasha King - deceased

Summary of cell members, October 1999 CR

Husband: Brian (28)
Co-Wives: Fiona (28), Rebecca (27), Danni (Daniel) (27), Abbey (19)
Children: Lila (4), Dane (3.5), Eva (3), Serita (2.5), Chara (2), Samuel/Samantha (1.5), Melissa (1), Ian (6 months), Thomas/Tommi (born this month).

Known Enemies

  • list item

Story Appearances

Making the Cut, Troubled Minds, Double Trouble


MK2K Bible entry- Abbey, Making the Cut, Troubled Minds, Double Trouble

Author's Notes

Voice Actors

Danni Sharabi is voiced by Sara Lloyd
Daniel Sharabi is voiced by Chris Lester / Raven
Due to illness, during the Live performance of Double Trouble at Balticon 45, Daniel's part was performed by DDog.

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